Benjamin Lengagne
Benjamin Lengagne is the director of communication and audiences at Lieux publics, coordinator of IN SITU and based in Marseille, France
Appears in 5 Episodes
IN SITU Podcast — Trailer
The IN SITU Podcast is a series of conversations bringing together the IN SITU community to discuss the realities, trends and challenges of art in public space at the ...
S1E1— REGENERATION OF PLACES — with Alina Stockinger, Mikey Martins and Fabienne Queméneur
What is public space and how has it evolved? How can art transform this perception? A three-way conversation between: > the associate artist Alina Stockinger from E...
S1E2— COMMUNITIES — with Linda di Pietro, Benoît Mousserion and Àdàm Kobrizsa
What is a community? How practice can create communities? How can we facilitate connection?
S1E3 — SOCIAL JUSTICE — with Lura Limani, Eva Bubla and Christophe Blandin-Estournet
"Artivism" what? Public space as a civil right? Art as a catalyst? Art in public space: which impact on society?
S1E4 — NATURE — with Nana Francisca Schottländer, Kees Lesuis and Paul Forecast
How has site-specific art evolved with time? How is the Human/Nature relationship built? How can Nature benefit from artistic experimentation? How can Nature and Ar...